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Why hire a dress broker?

Consignment combines the power of personal shopping with the benefits of saving time and money in an eco-driven way. Our service provides shoppers access to hundreds of previously owned and once worn dresses and accessories created by our community of over 3000 sellers. Join us on a journey to connect your closet through Manitoba's only wedding and formal resale service. It is time to break up with the buy and sell and see what consignment can do for you.

What is a dress broker?

We hire people every day to serve us and sell for us. Just like a realtor works to find you a buyer for your home our consignment team and consultants have mastered the art of connecting new and used wedding and formal to our clients. This is why we refer to ourselves as dress brokers. Our job is to facilitate the sale of your items using our specific expertise which comes from years of experience in evaluating, pricing, marketing, consulting and altering formal wear. As unromantic as the title sounds a professional dress broker is who you want in your corner to connect your closet. In short, we make you money.

Break up with the buy and sell

We all know that one person who sold their dress on Marketplace and they have become urban folklore for all potential sales of once worn wedding and formal dresses. We don't deny that successful sales can happen privately on the internet. But we know they are few and far between and often result in less money than you would make in consignment when you consider the time, effort and endless unanswered messages that come with attempting to sell an expensive or specific fitting item online. The buy and sell is great for end tables and planters but leaves something to be desired for high end formal wear. Our consignor's often end up here after months of little to no interaction and failed connections that have left them frustrated. People are looking for way below market value deals online. Here is a cold hard fact: pre-owned and used items are only valued at what someone is willing to pay for them. And the clients willing to pay full market value are not shopping on Kijiji or Marketplace.

Take me to market

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. A picture of you in your wedding gown?! Priceless. So how do we evaluate something so important? In short, your dress is worth what it is worth based on the worth of other new and used dresses. As professionals we need to be experts in designers, alterations and current trends. And not just the locally available styles. Our inventory comes from all over the world. From Australia to online only options we have sold it all. And the variety of alterations coupled with what the current clientele is looking for means we must constantly be evolving in our education to ensure our pricing and marketing of your dress is placed in that sweet spot. You know, the one where it will sell for the most amount of money in the least amount of time. Cars, real estate, precious metals gowns?! Anything that is available on the open market has a comparative value to similarly available items. As dress brokers we understand that value and how to convert it to cash. That is why you hire us.

Give the people what they want

Your wedding is arguably one of the most important life events you will plan. It is hard to imagine trying a dress on in someones bathroom being a part of anyones vision for their big day. Saving money, however, is on everyones list. This is why consignment works. We have combined the experience and amenities of a traditional shopping appointment with the time and money saving benefits of buying used. This is almost impossible to emulate in a private sale. Especially beside a toilet. Even in a nicely decorated guest room it will never compare to the joy and excitement of a professional consultation in a beautiful space surrounded by the people you love. Never underestimate the value of an "I do" moment and how that translates into an increased monetary return for both our business and the seller.

Raise your hand if anytime you make a big purchase you spend hours reading reviews, comparing products and exploring less expensive price points. Shopping for a wedding gown is no different. This is a once wear big expense and people want to get it right. They need to feel educated and supported in their choices. They need to feel empowered to make confident consumer decisions. Dress brokers are also personal shoppers. We explain fit and fabrics. We offer insight into body shape. We build body confidence. And sometimes we even break down walls. We host an journey of self discovery and we guide clients through alterations so that they understand how this dress becomes their dress. All of this is supported by regular business hours, after hours and private fittings, an online booking system, our in-house seamstress, payment options and our stunning space. The amenities we provide create an unforgettable experience that cannot be recreated in any guest room, no matter how nice the bedding.

The memories, care and after purchase support we provide as brokers for our shoppers creates the maximum market value for your item with very little effort or time invested from you. Did we mention the amazing dry cleaning rates?! So why hire a dress broker? It will be the easiest thing you have done since you said "yes" to your dress.

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